
The walls came crumbling down .... 
(Kilian Rüthemann & Niklaus Wenger - 'Masse Critique' exhibition at Centre d´Art Neuchâtel in Switzerland)
Found at today and tomorrow


I find that the blue just sets off my skin tone.

Sometimes ... you just need to scratch that itch.  Who knew you could call it art eh?
(PMS Collective - 'Self Service')
Found at Rebel:Art
Save yourself.  Don't eat potatoes sprouting glitter and roots.
(Peter McKay - 'Save Yourself' (2006))
Seen at Primavera06
I'm feeling rather impotent today.
(Christian de Vietri - 'Six Degrees of Separation' (2004))
Seen at Primavera06
OMG!  It's a chair!
(Joseph Kosuth ; 'One and Three Chairs' (1965))
Seen at MoMA, NYC
"Hey Honey, do you like your present?"
"John, its a f#*^ing hoover"
"No darling, its art."
(Jeff Koons - 'New Hoover Convertables, Green, Blue; new Hoover Convertables, Green, Blue; Double-Decker' (1981-1987))
Seen at The Whitney Museum, NYC